Androgynous Keys®



Joshua Maree brings the remembrance of Divine Androgyny, through his gift to illuminate the parts of Self that are hiding and caught in separation consciousness, to support them into an alchemical unification embodiment process. Born as an Illuminist and Inner Polarity Mediator, Joshua’s gift to humanity is the “Androgynous Keys®” – the Focalised Divine Intelligence birthed from the Source of Creation to remember, awaken and embody Neuro-Androgyny®.

Joshua shares The Androgynous Keys® and other various energy transmissions and teachings to support humanity to regain the Pure Awareness of Divine Androgyny. Joshua’s purpose is to assist you to work towards embodying the highest state of intellectual development and emotional maturity through awakening of the Androgynous Kundalini and Embodiment of Neuro-Androgyny® , revealing to a person his or her Divinity.

Educational and Experiential Background

South African born and raised into a family line with strong natural healing and intuitive gifts, with his grandfather a counsellor, and grandmother a ‘gnostic prophet for Christ’ and counselling therapist who provided 40 years of service in the community of South Africa through her own ‘Gnostic Church.’

Joshua’s remembrance and preparation for his life’s work began in early childhood, It was between the ages of 3-5 years old that Joshua remembered the Androgynous Keys® and his souls higher evolutionary purpose.

As a teenager, his body began to hold the awakened Kundalini, through experiencing multiple kundalini awakenings, as the Divine prepared his energy system to fully embody this state. Joshua’s commitment and dedication to his healing path is strongly reflected through over 25 years of carrying out one of the most varied, wide—disciplined backgrounds of study, personal healing and worldwide travel in his field, to support the integrity behind him now sharing this style of work with others.

As Joshua was being guided to remember his Purpose, his Tantric-Shamanic interest lead him to study with the world’s leading pioneers bridging Ancient Shamanic Wisdom with Neuro-Science to awaken our higher cognitive intelligence, and “God-Mind”. With a passion to support his clients on all physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels, Joshua qualified as an Advanced Thai Massage Therapist, a Rogerian Counsellor and completed 200 hours field work, working with children with learning difficulties and 300 hours at the Children’s Red Cross Hospital. Joshua is a Qualified Advanced Natural Medicine Health Coach - 300 hours in person training Germany 2017 , Advanced Shamanic Skills, Advanced Soul Retrieval in Person Germany 2019 & also Healing The Darkside - Dr. Alberto Villoldo Award Winning Light Body School and also trained as an Advanced UAP Level VortexHealer®.

As Mother Earth’s Kundalini energy moved and emerged in this dawning New Cycle, and the Serpent of Light moved to the Andes Mountains of Chile and Peru, Joshua began learning from and receiving various rites and initiations from Peruvian Qero Masters. This included Altomesayok Túpaq T'tito, Qero Master Don Juan, Qero Juan Gabriel Apaza Lonasco and by Mayhuasca Shaman Jorge Luis Delgado. He also completed his deepening of the Munay-Ki Training in the Sacred Valley of Peru by the Q’ero Masters, Dona Juanita and Don Francisco.

Joshua’s travels have extensively extended across 28 Countries to work with Mother Earth’s Ley Lines and Sacred Sites to prepare humanity for the next evolutionary cycle of Sacred Androgyny; which include power spots and energy nodes like Torres Del Paine Mountain in Patogonia Chili, Stonehenge, Mount Sinia, the Pyramids of Giza and Karnak Temple in Egypt, Roslyn Chapel and Findhorn in Scotland, Machu Picchu & Doorway to the Gods, Amaru Muru Doorway in Peru. Lourdes, Montsegur and Renne le Chateua in South of France and the White Lions and Koi San of South Africa.

During 2006, he received training and initiations by Lama Yeshe Rinpoche under the Lama Yeshe Kagyu Tibetian Lineage where he took refuge as a ‘monk’. Joshua utilises over 20 years experience in Tibetan and Buddhist meditation and mind stillness techniques and act as a meditation mentor for those wishing to understand and master their own creative shadow self and Mmind. 

In Europe between 2014 and 2019, Joshua received in person Darshan/Oneness Blessings by Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, Avatar embodiment of The Divine Mother and during 2017 & 2018 in Germany, Joshua received the Paramatman Light, Darshan blessings directly from Mother Meera. Paramatman meaning ‘Highest Self ‘or ‘the Self of the whole Universe’. Mother is a primal force of evolution and Mother’s own divine light acts as a catalyst that turns on our own inner light.

Mata Amritanandamay became the guiding force as the Divine Mother and also the White Lions of South Africa as the guardians to support Joshua to birth the remembrance of Aumma Oasis®.

During April 2022, Joshua travelled with Dr. Alberto Villoldo, the Singer Deva Premal and prophecy keepers of the Andes to visit Mt. Illuminata and Mt. Pachatusan, The Axis of the World where he was part of the training program - Sacred Mantra and The rise of the magicians and rites of initiations. He was directly initiated by Qero Masters Don Pascual and Qero Elder Don Humberto at the Holy Mt. Pachatusan - the Legendary Protector of the Earthkeepers, the medicine men and women charged with the Stewardship of all living beings on the Earth.

Since 2010, Joshua has facilitated retreats at exclusive selected sacred geographic locations to support the work, one of these places Drakensberg Cathedral Peak in South Africa.

Joshua is currently completing his Ph.D in Theology, specialising in Theocentric Psychology & Comparative Religion.




Specialised sessions to support the body during the transition into the New Cycle to transform the sexual energy into spiritual light. The primordial Androgynous state will bring back home all aspects of self dwelling in separation consciousness. The inner shadow has to be mastered through purification, transmutation and perfection. Kundalini brings the gift of integration and union of the opposite, i.e. light and shadow, masculine and feminine, Flesh and Spirit. The outcome of these sessions is to align self with the desire to pursued the light in the correct way and merge with the divine presence of Unity Consciousness, who dwells within.

Sessions take place via Online Zoom or in person in Johannesburg, Cape Town South Africa.
