Androgynous Keys®

union of the opposites weekly meditations 



Why Set Intentions & create sacred space?

Set intentions in Sacred Space and be connected to an abundance of Angelic Support to hear your intentions. Come Pray your dreams and allow the Universe to be a witness to these dreams. As the ancient Indian sages observed thousands of years ago, our destiny is shaped by the deepest level of our intention and desire. Once we plant the seed of an intention in the fertile ground of pure potentiality, our soul’s journey unfolds automatically, as naturally as a bulb becomes a tulip or an embryo becomes a child. 

These Monthly Meditations are here to help you raise your awareness and support you spiritually during the current Earth Changes and your own unique souls evolution. This is a process which is accomplished through receiving the Androgynous Keys®. Each session is supported by your own Divine Intelligence who will assist you in specific areas of your growth.

  The person receiving the Androgynous Keys® receives according to his/her level of Evolution and capacity to receive. Each time you speak from the heart during these sessions and set your intention for your life, you create an explosion of light that is the most wondrous to behold.

We will be meditating on the Quantum Fields to support the natural Evolution of the Kundalini System and to support releasing stress from the Body Mind . Androgynous Keys® are Focalised Divine Intelligence Birthed from the Source of Creation to remember, awaken and embody Neuro-Androgyny®. There are 13 Quantum Fields in total. These are 13 Expressions of Joshua’s Androgynous Kundalini Manifesting through 13 Geometric Shapes. We will be going deeper into these 13 Manifestations of the Androgynous Kundalini to support the Union of the Opposites.

Starting and ending the Week with Intention Setting and a Destress and Mind Stillness Support Session to help with debriefing your week and coming back to alignment, supporting also positive neurological effects and heart centeredness.  Also all  sessions incorporate advanced Tracking working with the Evolutionary Pathway of the Androgynous Kundalini in the human body and psyche by utilising The Androgynous Kundalini Technology of Neuro-Androgyny® and The Androgynous Keys® and also incorporating the Multi-Dimensional Healing Modalities of Advanced UAP Vortexhealing® and Advanced FourWinds Tracking Skills. Each session will also address different energy upgrades, depending on the group field and what is appropriate for that week.

Establish a regular meditation practice with these weekly group meditation sessions to deepen your connection to inner stillness and inner peace.

Each class starts with 2-3 songs playing where you have the opportunity to settle in, start to look inwards and breathe into your body. During the music, Joshua prepares your system and does general healing. It is very important to make use of this time to reflect on your life, your body and to set intentions for the session. You are also placed in the 13 Quantum Fields to support your intentions. We will then meditate in silence where you will be guided through each process. Some dates are also according to the monthly new and full moons cycles and according to Joshua’s schedule.


Joshua started meditating from a young age and explored  various meditation techniques and meditations.  He completed 400 hours in Vipassanna Meditation, invented by the Buddha himself. It was taught in India more than 2500 years ago as a universal remedy for universal ills, i.e., an Art of Living. He also studied Tibetan Buddhism where he studied at the Tibetan Centre in Cape Town and completed the Basic and Advanced Meditation courses and attended weekend retreats at the Center. Joshua has also received training and initiations by Lama Yeshe Rinpoche under the Lama Yeshe Kagyu Tibetan Lineage where he has taken refuge during 2007. Joshua is also trained in Hypnosis, (non – medical) and also trained in Kabbalistic Teachings and incorporates these techniques and teachings to support positive neurological effects and to master mindfulness and present-moment awareness.

Class Information

These classes are held monthly via Zoom Remote. Classes starts 05h25-06h00 SAST Time or sometimes it takes place in the evening at 6:30pm-7h15pm SAST and last max 30min , depending on Joshua’s Schedule.

All classes are video recorded and available to work through in your own time on a weekly basis.

Morning Sessions Time Zones

05h30-06h00 SAST, Johannesburg South Africa

APRIL 2024

Monday 1st of April (05h25-06h00 SAST),

Friday 5th of April (05h25-06h00 SAST) , Monday 8th of April (05h25-06h00 SAST),

Friday 12th of April (05h25-06h00 SAST), Monday 15th of April (05h25-06h00 SAST),

Friday 19th of April (05h25-06h00 SAST), Monday 22nd of April (05h25-06h00 SAST),

Friday 26th of April (05h25-06h00 SAST),

MAY 2024

Friday 3rd of May 2024 (05h25-06h00 SAST) , Monday 6th of May (05h25-06h00 SAST),

Friday 10th of May (05h25-06h00 SAST), Monday 13th of May(05h25-06h00 SAST)

Friday 17th of May (05h25-06h00 SAST) Monday 20th of May (05h25-06h00 SAST)

Friday 24th of May (05h25-06h00 SAST), Monday 27th of May (05h25-06h00 SAST)


 “Neuro-androgyny® awakens the unmovable power of the observer”

Joshua Maree

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